Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday - West Edmonton Mall

Headed east out of Jasper towards Edmonton - stopped frequently to take scenic vista photos.  Knew we were back in civilization (quote unquote) when we saw the WalMart in Hinton.  Went straight to the 2nd largest mall in the world, West Edmonton Mall (the newer Mall of America in Minneapolis is now the biggest).  Saw some interesting sights, including the huge Batman in the lobby of the cinema ($35 for 2 tickets to Transformers 3, Imax 3D), and the hemp products store.  Not one but two large food courts with the usual cast of characters, and some unusual ones, too... I bet even you, Kink, would find something to intrigue you :) 
Spent over 2 hours driving around Edmonton looking for the GO Backpackers Hostel, with no luck.  Finally gave up at 8:30 pm and called the family in Edmonton and asked to sleep on the floor.  Well, only Luke slept on the floor (he insisted).


  1. Time to get a GPS! Keep the poutine coming...more gravy, please.

  2. See poutine at
